2008年9月4日 星期四

Exploring Semantics of Movement in Context

Exploring Semantics of Movement in Context
P.Y. Chao, I. Cimen, W. Lancee, S.A.M. Offermans, R. Veenstra
Eindhoven University of Technology
HG 1.44, Den Dolech 2, 5600MB
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
+31 (0)40 247 9111

Movement as message carrier and the language of movement were the topic of research.
This evoked two questions:
1. Does the addition of movement to objects enrich/enforce the emotional message of the objects?
2. How does a context influence the emotional message of an object?

Context analysis

Compared to :
A Touch of India and Dinner for Two have several similarities part, This context also radiates a warm and chic feeling, but it is different in the way that just two people, loving each other (Dinner for Two), are the users instead of a large group of visitors of the restaurant (A Touch of India).

(1)動作在使用物件上,且投入其中,可以發揮人們的情感,就像文獻中的Health Centre,可釋放壓力,除此之外,目前網路最熱門的Bolg,也是很好的例子,建立自己的Blog,寫上自己想寫的東西並分享出去,會產生愉悅的心情,也是抒發情緒的管道之一。

(2)此文獻沒有重大貢獻,在文脈當中,探討五種不同的物件,彼此之間沒有什麼關連性,除了在A Touch of India and Dinner for Two當中有共同的Politeness(有禮貌的行為)情感訊息之外,大部分都是單一存在的價值。

6 則留言:

hsiao-chen you 提到...

Exploring 前面的"EBI"是什麼?我想了好幾天呢!

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