2009年9月29日 星期二


論文名稱(中文/英文):科技好奇心量表之發展研究:以樂高動手做為例/A Study of Developing the Technological Curiosity Inventory and Its Application to LEGO Hands-on Learning
Main purpose of this research is to provide an effective tool to assess children’s technological curiosity and preferred exploration approaches.
LEGO hands-on learning was used as a tool to inspire children’s technological curiosity and encourage them to adopt a more in-depth way to find answers and had been proved valid in this research.

  • LEGO hands-on learning

    1.LEGO construction was combined with programming software so that student could engage in the building of active models (Papert, 1986).

    2.Tyan (1999) considered LEGO Hands-on learning is a “technology-supported constructive learning environment.”

    3.The basic teaching concept of LEGO was constructionism (Papert,1986). It emphasized combining science knowledge in daily life, and let children enrich their experience and knowledge a hands-on and interactive learning process.

    4. Papert and Harel (1993) had mentioned three points about LEGO construction activities:

    (1)Construction activities give the potential for students to achieve many learning outcomes in science, mathematics and technology.

    (2)Scaffolding in the form of explicit details was needed for some students to make links between activities and outcomes.

    (3)Students manifestation of science and mathematics outcomes were directly related to the technology activities.


此篇是利用樂高動手做(hand on)得到學習的特性,來測量幼稚園學童的科技好奇心量表,是偏向於教育方面的研究。藉由樂高動手做進行習學做為使用的工具,可以啟發小朋友科技好奇心,並鼓勵小朋友採取更多深入的方法去找出答案。此研究的重點在於小朋友在動手做樂高時可以激發出創造力,並對科學、邏輯、數理、結構方面等等能更進一步的了解與學習,本讀者只在此篇focus on「樂高」的部份做為探討。

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